3259 Progress Drive, Suite 139, Orlando, Florida 32826


Past Performance

In the past nine years, CTT has designed, developed, directed, and produced over 65 instructional videos for training aid devices with over 300 segments of instruction for Operators and Maintainers. The video below is a collection that highlights some of these products. Currently, Army University is hosting and distributing 94 mobile application products worldwide. By June of 2023, CTT will have provided 104 total products that will include a desktop version of the apps for use with MACs and PCs (desktop/laptop).

Example Product Videos

Interactive Multimedia Mobile Instructions (IMMIs)

CTT’s latest product line features the full training product with advanced features to support your organization. It is a training product made for mobile devices and distributed by Army University and TCM Mobile for Training Anytime, Anywhere, and at the Point of Need.

Job Performance Aid (JPA) Promotional Video

The promotional video below displays the usability of our second product used for recall as a Job Performance Aid (JPA) video mobile application. These apps are also self-contained and require no internet connectivity. Even in the most remote of locations, the video and all the elements of the mobile app will function correctly.

Mobile App Features

The video below will demonstrate all of the current mobile app features. CTT can customize the app, if required. In addition to the mobile applications, CTT has developed utilization databases for all products and also a reporting mobile app. As a part of the work product, design documentation is also developed and delivered to the client.

CTT YouTube Channel